DEXTER Season Ranks

Calculations based on IMDb episode ratings and Metacritic ratings: A+(B*10)+n where A is the metacritic ratings, B is the average of IMDb ratings of all episodes of the respective season and n is the percentile of number of critics from metacritic . 1. Season 2- Score: 180.2 At the start of Season 2, the psychological fallout from killing Brian (his brother) and the constant surveillance by Sgt. Doakes have resulted in Dexter having not killed anyone in more than a month. Furthermore, Dexter learns two upsetting things about Harry: that he was sleeping with Laura Moser, Dexter's biological mother, before she died and that, after walking in on Dexter in the middle of a kill, Harry committed suicide from the guilt. These discoveries cause his faith in The Code to waver, and Dexter imagines scenarios in which he turns himself in . 2. Season 4- Score: 176.8 Dexter went home to become a family man, and Rita has given birth to a baby boy ...