Review: Batman v Superman : Dawn of Justice (2016)

Catered to Purely Comic Fan Boy Score: 7/10 I being this huge fan of DC comics was waiting with bated breaths for the film to release for 3 years at least. A joy ride it was, giving all the thrills typically etched for a comic fan I'd say, if not everyone BvS starts off giving the usual introduction of Bruce Wayne's parents' demise without adding much to it. And then it also goes about explaining how it ignited the spark in the Batman to fight Superman. Though it clearly sways away from the comics, it gets us warmed up of what we can expect. I wouldn't go into the plot so much, virtually everything should be kept away from the readers to avoid the spoilers. Zack did not do such a bad job with Man of Steel , though not even coming close to the expectations everyone had for the film especially knowing Nolan is at the helm as an executive producer. Without Nolan present for any creative decisions (not at least as much as he was involved in Man of Steel),...