Mukundan and the Art of Letting Go

Today, as I was having my lunch, my eyes went to a well drawn tattoo almost completely under the sleeves on his triceps, of my colleague sitting across the table. The tattoo was of a horned gigantic male sheep, ram. I asked him, what importance does it carry in his life and he was more than happy to explain it to me, giving an impression that not many must have asked him the question. He told me, when he was growing up, his family owned a lot of rams in the village, and that, he considers them very brave and powerful. This took me immediately to the time my dad used to come to me doing “hmm hmm” when I was as young as only 6 years old until I was about 16. He used to come to me some days when I was studying, and make “hmm hmm” sounds, squeezing his lips inside his mouth and pressuring my finger nails with his tight fisted knuckles. It was around my early adolescence I suppose, I once asked him, “Why do you keep doing this pappa? The sounds you make and the pressure to ...