Know the Big Cats

Tiger is the largest of the cat family, but unfortunately its population has been diminishing at a very high rate. It is found the most in India (~1500). The Bengal tigers are the largest in size followed by the Siberian tigers and Indonesian tigers.

Their bite force is the strongest and known to kill many animals purely by crushing their skulls. It even has the ability to crack open the shell of a tortoise. They are mostly concentrated in the South America. They are the second most critically endangered big cats after the Tigers.

The king of the jungle are only kings because of their roars that can reach up to 114 decibels and can be heard distances of 8 kilometers. Their majestic body also gives them the name. They are the only cat family specie who are social. Surprisingly they were the second most populous mammals after humans until the ice age around 10,000 years ago.

Cheetahs are the fastest land animal and they can accelerate up to 100 kmph in just 3 seconds which is as fast as Lamborghini Aventador. Their body has been made pure in terms of aero-dynamics reducing their size of head and giving them a balancer tail for taking turns at high speeds. Due to their small heads their jaws don’t get enough force to bite strongly and hence they lose their prey to wild dogs, hyenas or lions most of the times.

Cougars physically resemble to cats. They are highly solitary and secretive by nature. It mostly avoids human and it’s not an apex hunter. They are not so violent by nature and habitats in the lesser densely populated areas of Canada and South America. It is the second fastest big cat. They are popularly known as the Pumas. They can be as large as jaguars but they are not as strongly built. 


Leopards are the most widely found big cat. They have rosettes similar to that of jaguars except they have densely arranged and smaller in size. They have relatively shorter legs and large skulls. It has unmatchable ability to climb trees carrying heavy carcases. 

[The length is in meters, weight's in kilograms, bite force in pounds per inch and speed's in kilometer per hour]


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