Why Women are Called Sluts and Men, Studs, for having Multiple Partners?

Men are born with the basic motive of propagating their genes. Richard Dawkins even goes so far to call men the "Gene Machines" in his book, “The Selfish Gene”. Speaking through the context of a Lion, the only social cat family animal, will give you a better perspective. If a wandering lone Lion wants to join a Lion family, he will have to fight against the adult Lion of the family that he wants to join. Once the outsider Lion beats the family Lion (which is indicated by the Lion falling on his back), the outsider Lion will merge with the family, starting with the killing of all the cubs of the previous Lion and later mating with Lioness.   
courtesy: wildencounters.net
What the Lioness was looking for was, who is the stronger of the two, because the stronger Lion will be able to take better care of the family and protect them from wild dangers, than a weaker Lion. Very similar is the case of human male. The root of being highly competitive in men comes from the desire of who propagates their respective gene the most. In order to propagate one’s gene, one cannot afford to stay with the same female partner for a long time. To stay in the competition, one needs to change as many sexual partners as one can. At least this is how it all started. What I’m trying to say is, the stimulation of being attracted to more than one girl for sex, to a guy comes from a very natural and normal basic being. And this could very well be the reason why one doesn’t feel this is something a man shouldn’t do even when it’s wrong in today’s general mind-sets, contrary to when a girl does the same things.

Now when a woman walked down the earth, she was designed to give birth to the future generations and keep the earth going by nurturing her children in the right direction and give adequate amount of emotional empathy a growing child yearns for. This is a woman's primary purpose. Very obviously if a woman wants to give birth to say more than the usual number of children, she doesn’t need to have multiple partners for the same. A woman instinctively is always looking for a long term relationship, to have a partner that can help her support the upbringing of her children. Thus the purpose of engaging in the act with multiple partners is lost right there, because neither does this back the idea of stability the children look for nor will she be able to take care of the children if she keeps hopping from one man to another. So when a woman engages herself in sex with multiple partners, it from a certain region of our soul feels very unnatural and wrong. Though it will be hard to argue against the baseless feminists, but anyone will feel the nature of the whole being violated. Thus, women are so easily labelled words like slut, whore etc while men are only respected and admired, going for the same acts.

What I am trying to say with the above study is, this could possibly be the reasons why so many voices are raised against women when they have multiple partners while no such voice is raised against men. I personally believe, the choices of an individual should be treated with respect, regardless of the evolution.

(The writer of the post owns all the copyrights, except the image. The article is an original and any case of copying will be dealt with legal punishment)


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