Sleep or I Don't Give a Shit

Sleep is the act of letting go and letting things be. During the day when we start off, we slowly take off in our graph of consciousness and subsequently our control over things that we want to be right. At the start of the day we tend to walk loose. Slowly with time we start taking control of our walk and walk straight, then take control of our expressions which was loose like our walk at the start of the day. We take control of the words we speak, we take control on the way we move our hands and we become more aware of our surrounding. So with time our control as well as our consciousness increases. 

Sleeping is the act of letting it all go. Hence falling asleep is much easier for the ones who don’t take control on a lot of things and are casual about relatively more things than some other guy who falls asleep late. Because taking control is like tightening our fists with as many fingers as the number of things we take control of. So the act of letting go is taking off our fingers from things one by one until finally when all our fingers are free and we lose ourselves into the world of a complete let-go.  This is also the very reason it’s easier to sleep when we are tired because, when we are tired we don’t carry enough energy to hold onto so many things and our fingers let loose on its own without being asked to. When things are bothering us, we cannot sleep, because we don’t want to let loose of the control of the situation, even if it just means thinking about it until we are tired to be able to do nothing else but sleep. We just don’t let go of the situations that bother us as long as our energy can keep up or as long as we don’t reach a conclusion relieving enough to let go.

There are some people who sleep anywhere and anytime, it only shows their ability to let go, their ability to bother less about the surrounding and the things they can have in control. And then there are some people who cannot sleep even during the nights. This defines them as the kind of people who exercise high control in their lives, the kind of people who can even go so far to become conscious of every blink. And then there are some people who have practiced sleeping during a specific time no matter what, so much so, that right after their scheduled time they lose their ability to think and naturally start going down the spiral of sleep because the mind has already been threatened of a possible less productive and moody next day or with something worse.

One friend told me, whenever he had the problem of not being able to sleep, he will keep murmuring to himself, “I don’t give a shit”, he will chant it like a mantra and practicing this helped his mind to be synthetically programmed to not give a shit while falling off to sleep. His mind kept hitting all the issues that came up naturally with a baseball bat while chanting this mantra. And today, he is able to sleep deep and sound, without any murmur.

(The writer of the post owns all the copyrights, except the image. The article is an original and any case of copying will be dealt with legally)


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