WeeView: JOY (2015)
Score: 5/10
David O Russel looked very out of control and not the same guy who directed "The Fighter" or "Silver Linings Playbook". There was a strong disconnect with the flow of the film and me. I couldn't empathize with at least most of the scenes. I didn't frustrate when Joy frustrated, I didn't motivate when she felt motivated, I didn't Enjoy when Joy felt Joy. There were some unwanted deliberate insertion of humour in some intense scenes. Some of the the sequential scenes didn't have the necessary fluidity to it and the sets looked cramped. The only saving grace were the beautifully captured scenes. I enjoyed the oblique method of cinematography used, very much. Bradley clearly delivered better perfomance than Jennifer who was good herself. Issabella playing the role of DeNiro's GF never quite felt fit in the whole and DeNiro himself somewhere felt like he was still playing the role he played in "The Intern". David, I guess has over thought the entire writing and tried to juggle many ambitions with the film.
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